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Friday, September 5, 2008

Motorcycle Adventures

Motorcycle Adventures
Many people think motorcycles are a scary and dangerous. I have no fear of them since my grandfather gave me my first ride when I was five years old. He put me right on the gas tank and drove down the street to the park. I was hooked!
While the motorcycle has a popular image as a dangerous machine, I don't fear them. I rode on one for the first time with my grandfather when I was five years old, riding on top of the fuel tank on the way to the park. From that moment on, I couldn't get enough of them. There were many other fun, enjoyable travel adventures with my grandpa after this, but this was the start. We strapped our camping gear to our bikes and we were off, always wearing helmets, and Grandpa never putting is foot too heavily on the accelerator. Our adventures varied from state parks, to various campgrounds and nature centers. Everywhere we went, we made it there in one piece. Grandpa's
motorcycle wasn't fancy. It didn't have a side car or fancy add-ons. It's only luxury feature was a back rest, but it was a smooth ride with a great view. I've seen rainbows, hawks, buffalo, and roadside decorations all because there were no doors to block the scenery. Everything seems more exciting on a motorcycle. Once, while driving west on I-80, heavy storm clouds appeared on the horizon. We donned our rain gear at the next rest stop, but the downpour was more than our raincoats could cope with. The flapping noise we heard was our pant legs slapping wetly at our legs! We waited out the rest of the storm under the shelter of an overpass - and decided to buy new rain gear before our next trip. Some trips were short - making a foray across town to see fireworks on the Fourth of July, or to spend time at the hometown festival. Other times the destination was the ballpark in the city, which was great. I found using a motorcycle was the best way to move in and out of traffic and get home fast - even if the driving wasn't always totally legal. My dream of owning a motorcycle started with my grandfather. He was a free-spirited man who loved to travel. He insisted that I accompany him whenever he got the urge to explore the open road. On Saturday mornings, he and I would jump on his bike and take off wherever the road led us. Fairs and museums were some of our favorite destinations No matter where we went; I always enjoyed our journeys together.
steven caskPublished: 1/29/2008

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